Top-50 exercises for the abdominal muscles: lose weight and pull on the lis

Dream, how to lose weight on your stomach how to get rid of the hips and reduce waist? Start to carry out exercises for a flat stomach at home today! For the exercise of the press you will need minimal supplies and a bit of free space in the room.

We offer you a selection of quality exercises for the abdominal muscles, which are guaranteed to help you pull out the press and get rid of the fat in the waist area.


a selection of quality exercises for the abdominal muscles

Before going into the collection of exercises for the abdomen in domestic conditions, it is necessary to emphasize, that weight loss occurs only when you consume food less than the body is able to spend on the energy (i.e. eat within a calorie deficit). If you do not follow the dietary restrictions, then the fat layer is not reduced even with the daily performance of the exercises on the abdominal muscles.

Therefore, for effective weight loss in the abdominal area, there are three important factors:

  • Calorie Deficit and proper nutrition
  • Exercises for muscle tone of the abdominal
  • Cardio training for fat loss


  1. If you want to achieve a flat stomach in a short time, then your workout should include cardio exercises for fat loss and exercise on muscle tone the abdominals. Therefore, it is exercise plan for a flat stomach can be divided into two parts: cardio-training (15-20 minutes) and the exercises for the entire muscular corset (15-20 minutes). The second part contains the exercises for the belly on the back side, in a standing position, in the belt – at your discretion. It is appropriate that the exercise program was more than diverse.
  2. The total time of this complex exercise for the abdominals is from 30 to 40 minutes, engage them maybe 2-3 times a week. Of course, you can train more often, or less often depending on your goals and problem areas.
  3. Before the training of the abdomen it is advisable to do exercise, after exercise – perform stretching.
  4. If you want to lose weight on your stomach faster, is always better to do an emphasis on cardio-training. It's always more effective for fat loss, than only the swing of the press. Don't forget to look at our finished cardio exercises for weight loss.
  5. For a more effective burning of fat on the abdomen is also desirable to increase daily activity: more walking, including regular walking, less use of transport, choose active forms of rest on the weekend. Popular modern gadgets that monitor activity during the day, can become your good helper in this matter. For example, a fitness bracelet.
  6. For some of the exercises for the abdominal muscles you may need dumbbells. If you want to, you can replace the plastic bottles with water or sand. Among the useful fitness equipment for weight loss belly also take a look at fitball and weight.
  7. Contrary to popular delusion, an exercise in food movies will not help you lose weight faster in the abdominal area. In addition, this practice gives emphasis to the heart, to reduce the fat interlayer film has no influence at all.


Exercises are taken at a selection of submitted below. You can alternate exercises, change their location or add new.

  • Cardio-exercises (15-20 minutes): 5 exercises according to the system of 30 seconds work, 30 seconds rest or 45 seconds work – 15 seconds rest, repeat the exercise in 3 rounds, between the circles for 1-2 minutes of rest.
  • Exercises in a standing position + exercises on back (10-12 minutes): 8-10 exercises on the scheme 40 seconds work, 20 seconds rest or 50 seconds work, 10 seconds of rest. After every fourth-the fifth exercise, you can take a short break.
  • Bar + exercise lying on your stomach (10-12 minutes): 8-10 exercises on the scheme 40 seconds work, 20 seconds rest or 50 seconds work, 10 seconds of rest. After every fourth-the fifth exercise, you can take a short break.


Cardio-exercises for your abdomen will help you to burn more calories, speed up the metabolism, to start the process of weight loss and strengthen the abdominal muscles. Cardio exercise is best carried out intermittently, for example, 30 seconds of intense work + 30 seconds rest (or in the mode of TABATA), it will help you spend your training much more effective.

If you have contraindications for health, just to workout without the jumping and running, and I attempted to keep the speed high. For example, instead of exercises "Horizontal jogging" just pull your knees to your chest in the position of the slats.


The most common exercises for a flat stomach considered exercise lying on your back – the possibilities of twists and turns, the strokes of the legs, pull-ups knees to chest and so forth the Advantage of such exercises is that they help draw targeted abdominal muscles (direct and oblique), and therefore, make your tummy flat and fit. When performing exercises on your back, your stomach must be smart and spin pressed to the floor. You cannot bend your back, keep your lower back from the floor and make sudden movements, otherwise there is the risk of injury. Try to pull your navel to your spine and perform the exercises gently and thoughtfully.

Please also note that access to such exercises for a flat stomach need to be treated with the utmost caution, if you have problems with the spine. Various options for the twists and turns give the load to your back and lower back pain, so such exercises for abdominal can cause pain or discomfort in this area of the body. If you experience painful sensations while running, exercises for the abdomen on the back side, then it is better to take them temporarily to train. Replace the exercises for the abdomen in standing position and the slats (about them will be discussed below). After the strengthening of the muscular corset to these exercises you can return.

  1. Twisting
  2. Twisting with touching feet sex
  3. Pull-ups knees to chest
  4. Touch your ankles
  5. Oblique twist on the leg
  6. Double twist
  7. Scissors
  8. Round
  9. On the bike with the stretched legs
  10. Lifting legs
  11. The circular rotation of the legs
  12. Ship
  13. Russian twist


Planck – one of the most effective exercises for a flat stomach. It not only helps to pump the direct and oblique abdominal muscles, but also strengthen the entire muscular corset as a whole.

  1. Planck
  2. Strap on your elbows
  3. Walking on a treadmill
  4. Touch the shoulders on the strip
  5. The twists and turns in the lane
  6. Circling his hands in the strip
  7. Lifting the hands in the strip
  8. Abduction legs in the bar
  9. Spider
  10. Sidebar
  11. Twisting in the side bar
  12. Abduction legs in the back bar


A great alternative to the more traditional exercises for the abdominals on the floor are exercises that are performed in a standing position. When performing these exercises there is less likelihood of incorrect position of the back, which means less risk of injury and exacerbations. For starters, do not perform exercises with dumbbells, you can start training and without additional tools.

  1. Touch elbow to knee
  2. Increase the legs
  3. The twists and turns of the torso with dumbbells
  4. Side twist with dumbbell
  5. Slopes with a barbell on the floor
  6. Sails in the position of squat
  7. Slopes with a barbell on the side
  8. The Twist with attack
  9. Pull-ups knees to chest
  10. Mill


This is another group is a very effective exercise for the abdominal muscles. During their performance you'll also strengthen the muscles of the back and lower back, which is a good prevention against pains in the region of the spine and improve posture.

  1. Superman
  2. Superman simplified
  3. Superman with his hands divorced
  4. Swimmer
  5. Hunting dog